Knowing Who You are: Non-dual Self Beyond Ego

The way we perceive the world is largely influenced by our egoic consciousness, a framework that assigns objects a location, category, and place within a hierarchy. However, when faced with something that cannot be objectified, our ego consciousness struggles to understand and recognize it.

Our non-dual Self, the pure essence of who we are – consciousness – cannot be pinpointed within time and space. It isn’t quantifiable nor does it fit into any predefined category. It’s here that we encounter a paradox: we inhabit a world defined by time, space, and objects, yet the non-dual essence of our identity transcends these parameters.

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The World as a Vale of Soul-Making: Keats and Non-Dual Consciousness

John Keats, a visionary of the Romantic era, presented a profound dichotomy in his view of the world: contrasting it as a ‘vale of tears’ against the ‘vale of Soul-making.’ The former sees the world as a place of suffering, devoid of inherent meaning, a perspective where life is but a journey towards redemption from worldly sorrows. However, Keats’ ‘vale of Soul-making’ posits the world as a meaningful arena, a crucible where the soul is forged and refined.

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The Heart’s Awareness as Sacred Vision

Spiritual awakening often brings us to what we might call our ‘sacred vision’. This is our innate ability to see life in a way that goes beyond what our eyes can see and our hands can touch. It’s like having an extra sense that helps us understand the deeper truths of life that aren’t always obvious.

Imagine looking at the world not just as a bunch of separate things but as part of a bigger picture. It’s like when you’re in nature and suddenly feel connected to everything around you. This sacred vision helps us see that everything is connected in some way, just like threads in a big tapestry.

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In the Boundlessness of Being: A Poetic Exploration of Non-dual Consciousness

Above, below, beside, within—none can confine you, for you are pure awareness. To be aware is to perceive, to contemplate the object, and behold, it is empty.

Transparency becomes you, as the horizon of emptiness stretches infinitely beyond your gaze, embracing the shores of otherness. Majestic luminosity, the very essence of the horizon, reveals itself as you and the otherness of you, a shimmering intensity without boundaries. I am you, and you are me, distinct yet intertwined. Can such a paradox be?

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